Methods Of Dish Antenna Settings

Methods Of Dish Antenna Settings

In this post im trying to share various methods of dish antenna settings.

In these methods One of the method definitely will useful for you

A. Analoug Satellite Finder

Analog satellite finder meter

How To Use:

1.Connect Analog satellite finder meter to LNB and Reciever

2.Set Analog satellite finder meter beep sound volume at one level

3.Now move your dish antena to satellite direction 95e for Free dish

4.When sound level higher at that direction stop dish antenna and trying to get maximum sound in finder meter

5.Then Blind/Auto Scan in MPEG-2 OR MPEG-4 Box

B.Find Satellites by MPEG-2 Settopbox

1.Connect settopbox to LNB

2.Set Frequency for specific satellite

3.See the signal quality in settopbox

4.Trying to get maximum signals

5.After Getting signals Blind scan you settopbox

If you want to set Airtel by MPEG-2 box watch this full video

C.Using Digital Satellite finder meter

1.On the satellite finder meter

2.set frequency in meter

3.set dish antenna

D.Homemade Sat Finder Box!

Guys this box made by me using MPEG-2 box and some modifications so if you want to make this plz watch this video

E.Using EasyCap with MPEG-4 Box

F.Using Small Portable TV

G.Sat finder Aplication

I hope guys you like this post and it will be useful for you share this post with your friends for help to find new satellites

I'm Jayesh Kumar for sharing all Satellites Information and free Channel update


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